6 Facts about Cluster Headaches, the symptoms are typical and varied

admin Last updated on: February 16, 2024

However, have you ever felt a headache that can make your eyes and nose runny? If so, it’s a cluster headache or cluster headache. What makes it different from other headaches? Come on, look at the following medical facts!

1. As the name implies, this is the definition of a cluster headache

Cluster headaches fall into the category of primary headaches along with migraines and tension-type headaches.

Reported by Healthline, as the name implies, this type of headache takes place in a certain cluster or cycle. Sufferers will experience periods of headaches and periods of no headaches at all.

2. The symptoms are very diverse and distinctive

A study published in the journal Annals of the Indian Academy of Neurology in 2018 explains that the characteristics of cluster headaches are the sensations that feel stabbing, sharp, and not throbbing.

In addition, there are also a number of typical symptoms of cluster headaches that occur on one side of the face, namely:

  • Lacrimation aka watery eyes
  • Rinorea aka snot discharge from the nose
  • Swollen eyes
  • Face flushed and sweaty
  • Full sensation in the ear
  • Ptosis aka drooping of the eyelids

One period of cluster headache can last for 15-180 minutes if not treated immediately.

3. The course of this disease is also interesting to know

According to the American Family Physician, cluster headaches are caused by blood vessel dilation which stimulates the trigeminal nerve which is located in the face, and activates the autonomic nervous system which causes the symptoms mentioned above.

Cluster headaches are also affected by the release of histamine and circadian rhythm disturbances, namely the rhythms that regulate a person’s sleep and wake cycles.

4. Come on, get to know the risk factors for cluster headaches!

According to a report released in StatPearls in 2020, a number of factors that put a person at greater risk of developing cluster headaches include:

  • Male gender.
  • Over 30 years old.
  • Consuming alcohol.
  • Have had trauma or surgery to the head.

5. The main therapy for this disease is inhalation of oxygen

Still based on information from the American Family Physician, the main treatment for cluster headaches is oxygen inhalation for 15-20 minutes.

After that, the doctor can give sumatriptan, zolmitriptan, lidocaine, or octreotide class drugs. However, if the disease is chronic and recurrent, the therapy usually given is verapamil and lithium drugs.

6. This disease can be triggered by a number of factors

Reported by Medscape, cluster headaches can be triggered by sleep cycle disturbances. As explained above, unstable circadian rhythms, aka sleep and wake rhythms, can be one of the triggering factors for this type of headache.

Those are some explanations about the meaning, causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment of cluster headaches. If you experience symptoms of this type of headache and the frequency is relatively frequent, you should consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

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